House of ā€˜98 Website


I joined a talented team of experience designers and visual designers to quickly design a website celebrating the release of the final episode of The Last Dance. The website is intended to have the look and feel of a site from 1998.

I collaborated with Hunter Noxon across timezones over the course of a week to design several different design directions to hand off to ESPN developers on a tight deadline.

While I was less involved in this project than others on this site, Iā€™m proud of the remote collaboration I was able to do with Hunter and am delighted by the final result.

Ideation and Rapid Prototyping

Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 10.45.50 AM 2.png
Mag Stand 2.gif
CD Player 2.gif

Launched Site

Large JPG-Aro Ha_0428.jpg